Store Department is the heart of the Garments factory. To automate and upgrade the existing system by increasing its efficiency and effectiveness we are providing VC Garments Inventory software. Our objective is to implement a cost effective and efficient system in your garments store section. Our software reduces two types following existing problem from your store department to be effective and efficient.
i) General Problem area
ii) Specific Problem area
General Problem Area:
When analyzing the existing system there were found the general problems that have to be faced by the management are –
- i)The manual labor spent on the current system is huge and in some cases. It is also very troublesome. Since every human being has the limitation ofCommitting errors, sometimes it becomes almost impossible for the store officer toavoid errors and as a result data inconsistency occurs.
- ii)Sometimes the administration or the authority receives verbal assurance from the person responsible for a process of the system that the process isCompleted with care. But in fact, as there is no documentation of the completion of the process, the person may try to relief himself by avoiding the lengthy and tedious works involved with the task and may report that the process has been finished successfully.
- iii)Since the whole process involves a wide variety of stages (such as Entry, Issue, Export, Final Goods, Requisition,) it becomes very difficult to keep track on every process efficiently.
- iv)The decision-making procedures are lengthy and time consuming. So in many cases it happens that the proper decision has not been taken at the proper time. It occurs from the fact that one has to study deeply to take a decision move and unfortunately no one does posses the overall details of the entire system.
- v) Since the whole process is not fully reliable, so many inconsistencies occur and many tasks are left undone for a long period. As a result an overall degradation of the whole service is found in the end.
- vi) Since the whole world is connected with information network now days, the electronic information via various media are very well organized and sophisticated. “Mim Sweaters Ltd” also wants to join in this family. They want for online data transformation and production report. The previous system is unable to use all of these facilities.
Specific Problem Area:
The specific problems related to the use of present system are-
- i)They cannot inform instantly whether any goods or parts are in stock or not. As a result sometimes they ask for requisition even if there is a stock of goods or parts. So lots of goods or parts are wasted.
- ii)Manual process of any transaction of store is lengthy and it cannot be performed perfectly.
- iii)They don’t know which goods or parts are issued when and to whom.
- iv)They take much time in manual process and cannot keep the proper track.