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Posts Tagged / Attendance Software

Attendance Software

Now a days, attendance software is the essential part of an organization. It made easy, accuracy, cost effective environment. Easily capture time and attendance data for accurate payroll processing, labor law compliance, and insight into workforce productivity. Management can easily track current status of their organization. Also able to reduce man power and unauthorized time tracking basically for OT.

There are various Attendance Software in the market. Don’t think all is suitable for you. To take decision about best, we highlight some of features of our software.

Develop Administration

The organization that are already using Time Attendance systems have experienced an increase in the productivity, efficiency and proficiency of the administration. After using VC Time Tracker processes work out well at the preferred time, and the staff is free to look after other equally important issues. Also, the same amount of work can now be done by lesser amount of staff. This is great, because it leaves them with more man power for other productive tasks.

Cost Effective

Saving man hours and accurate calculation of job time is directly proportional to saving finances. It is tested for 300 workers and the result is 40,000 save then manual system. Because our software calculate accurate OT, Weekday and Holiday. Don't think software as costly or interior item. Its save your time and money. Granted...

Enjoy Staffing Goal

Employees are the indispensable part for any organization. To develop and care about them, you need some suitable information. We provide various types of report such as Continuous Present List, Absent List, Daily Present Employee List, Machine Wise Present Operator List, Helper List, The person who did not enjoy any leave and many more for you.

Organization of data

VC Time Tracker replaces manual work, and in turn independently exterminates the chances of data redundancy, incomplete and improper data. Data is legible, made available at one click, and old files are handled effortlessly. Miscellaneous functions of an organization which include administrative management, profile management, attendance management, leave management, late management, shift management, OT, updates, etc are automated by VC Time Tracker.


And many more facility… Please knock us to know more. Finally we inform you that, this software has been developed in practical environment not in Software firm. So it is most practical situation face.

Some of Our Clients


What says our client
Gemini Fashions Ltd.
I have used another software in my previous company. Now I am using VC Attendance Software. So easy and user friendly to use. Tnx to VC World
Super Knitting & Dyeing Mills Ltd
We replace our old attendance & payroll software with VC World. Now we are getting various uncommon and accurate report. Able to save money for their accurate calculation about OT, Night, Friday etc. Thanks a lot to VC World
We are happy using Garments Attendance, Payroll Software and website from VC World. Best service. Also using Attendance machine. Their software features is fully different from other.
Geebee Bangladesh Ltd.
We have replaced our old software with VC Attendance Software. Best software and best service. Fully maintain BEPZA rule.
Children Place Ltd.
We have found an accurate Attendance Calculation with this software. Best I think..


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